Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sociology Symbolic Interactionism, Functional, And...

There are three main theoretical perspectives in sociology: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. These theories serve as an approach to the formulation and solution of social problems. Each theoretical perspective defines specific touch to the study, interpretation, and evaluation of social objects. Despite the fact that these theories use different approaches to research, all of them can be applied together to any aspects of a social life to better understand the nature of human relationships and to give a bigger picture of studying subject. The main idea of symbolic interactionism lies in the statement that human interactions take place through the interpretation of symbols and signs. Human actions and relationships are defined by symbols, which had been created and fulfilled with meaning by human beings themselves. And that makes symbols the essential part of any society. American sociologist George Herbert Mead, one of the founders of this theory, considered human actions as social behavior based on communication. He believed that people respond not only to the actions of the others but also to their intentions, and interpret them on the basis of the analysis and actions of our past experience in similar situations. For example, a reached out hand can symbolize one of the following: a greeting, attack, or a plea for help. Only by interpreting a symbol, we can react to it, as to shake hands with the other person, firmly grasp or leave.Show MoreRelatedThe Major Theories of Sociology Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesSymb olic Interactionism In the field of sociology, sociologists use many different theories to base their ideas and observations on; however, the three major theories that are used are symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. It is these three theories that will be the focus of this paper. 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