Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas for Lawyers, Staff, and Management Essay

Ethical Dilemmas are a pressing issue within any law enforcement or law agency the power that people have in positions such as these force them to share an equal or greater amount of reasonability. Ethics is defined as â€Å"the branch of philosophy that typically deals with values relating to human conduct with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions†. This definition of ethics courtesy of Webster dictionary shows just how complex the intricacies of ethics are and how major dilemmas might negatively impact departments for instances lawyers are plagued with ethical dilemmas on a day to day basis such as Lawyer advocacy, conflict of interest, Professional†¦show more content†¦Lawyers cant represent clients when they have a conflict of interest. For example, an attorney could not sue someone he had previously represented if his previous representation gave him information that woul d lead to an unfair advantage or the appearance of one. This is where the ethical issues began to arise lawyers in the same firm typically cant represent clients with opposing interests. Even if one lawyer in the firm has no direct conflict of interest, the fact that another lawyer does might prohibit representation that could lead to sanctions or complications for the lawyer or the firm he or she may represent. The responsibilities that lawyers have are nearly innumerous not only are Lawyers forced to adhere to the specific guidelines of the Bar but they also have to create a relationship with each client by giving them a trusting environment. Each state bar establishes its own rules of professional responsibility for lawyers, and law firms must ensure that their partners, associates and any lawyers with whom they contract follow these rules. These rules are more important than any other duty an attorney has, including her duties to make money for her firm or to advocate for her client. Generally speaking, codes of professional responsibility require that lawyers communicate effectively with their clients, avoid criminal behavior, manage payments legally and fairly and refrain from defrauding anyone. If a lawyer breaks one of these rules and commitsShow MoreRelatedMatters Of Integrity : The Ethics Behind Attorneys Essay1761 Words   |  8 Pagesclient is at ease and their privacy is being protected. The legal profession has many components in order to be a successful attorney. As attorneys there are ethical dilemmas that correspond with being an attorney. These dilemmas include conflicts of interest, staff-management, attorney-client advocacy, and professional responsibility. The main ethical issue with attorneys is the Matter of Integrity. 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