Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Relationship Between Geography, Climate And Economic...

1. Introduction The purpose of the study is to establish and evaluate the relationship between geography, climate and economic performance through individual income levels. This has been very vast area of consideration in the academic community. Therefore, on the basis of extensive literature survey and previous research analytics on similar disciplines, the scope of the present research would be conducting a two-stage econometric estimation, mainly regression to compute the relationship at the municipal level income data per person across a computed set of geographical variables. Geography and environment has a closer impact on socio-economic development of a region. Historical data has revealed that geography has some effect on shaping the economic history. However, the amount of variance is an important consideration. Tropics are varied by broad climatic zones and economies as well (Torres Mendez, 2000; 2002, Inter-American Development Bank, 2000). As a result, the research would identify the key geographical and climatic factors from the national database and analyze its relationship with income per person longitudinal data for a time period of 1950 to 2014. This paper will analyze this variance to test and interpret the condition of multicollinearity using a regression analysis, as some geographical factors might be highly correlated impacting the ultimate results. 1.1 Research Questions In the overview of understanding the dependency of climatic, geographical andShow MoreRelatedInstitutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run14323 Words   |  58 PagesINSTITUTIONS AS A FUNDAMENTAL CAUSE OF LONG-RUN GROWTH DARON ACEMOGLU 1 , Department of Economics, MIT, 50 Memorial Drive E52-3806, Cambridge, MA 02142 e-mail: SIMON JOHNSON Sloan School o f h f a ~ g e m e n t , MIT, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142 e-mail: JAMES A. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Is The Theories Of Three Human Development Theorists,...

Human development is an essential aspect in early childhood education. This essay is going to discuss the theories of three human development theorists, Urie Bronfenbrenner, John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth’s. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory is concerned with family, cultural and social influences and all the other environmental elements. Bowlby’s Attachment theory and Stages of attachment and Ainsworth’s â€Å"Strange Situation† research which breaks down attachment into three types are related to the relationship between adults and children. These theories are all associated with socio-cultural theory, which is throughout the New Zealand early childhood curriculum Te whariki (Ministry of Education, 1996). Bronfenbrenner (Sigelman Rider, 2014) created an ecological system model which illustrates both direct and indirect influences (these influences are bi-directional) in an individual’s growth environment. This ecological system co nsists of five systems which all have an individual as their same centre and gradually extend from this individual to the last and largest system, including minute but immediate impacts like a bee in the garden that stung this individual and macroscopical but subtle impacts like global warming. Meanwhile, they are inclusive, as Te Whariki, the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, describes it as â€Å"a set of nested Russian dolls† (The Ministry of Education, 1996, page.19), which means these in systems, one contains another. AccordingShow MoreRelatedAkeelah and the Bee - Essay3141 Words   |  13 Pages2012 Identifying Information Akeelah is an eleven year old African American girl who lives in South Los Angeles being raised by her mother, Tanya, who father was killed when she was six years old. She is attending Crenshaw Middle School. She has three siblings and a niece and her mother works long hours to have extra money to support her family. Akeelah is a very smart an intelligent girl who loves to study and learn words. Presenting Problem Akeelah is grieving the death of her father even though

Friday, December 13, 2019

Visual Basic Toolbox Controls Free Essays

The Toolbox Controls The Toolbox window holds all of the controls available to your VB. NET programs. Basic Controls First, let’s focus on the basic controls that are used in most programs. We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Basic Toolbox Controls or any similar topic only for you Order Now These controls are so essential that VB. NET would be utterly useless without them 1- Button The Button control is a key ingredient for an effective user interface. Buttons are normally found on the main form of a program and are used to perform tasks or bring up additional forms for the user. Notable Properties Important Properties of Button1 from Properties  Window: Appearance Appearance  section of the properties  window  allows us to make changes to the  appearance  of the Button. With the help of   BackColor  and  Background Image  properties we can set a background color  and a background image to the button. We set the font color and font style for the text that appears on button with  ForeColor  and the  Font  property. We change the appearance  style of the button with the  FlatStyle  property. We can change the text that appears on button with the  Text  property and with the  TextAlign  property we can set where on the button the text should appear from a predefined set of options. Behavior Notable Behavior properties of the Button are the  Enabled  and  Visible  properties. The Enabled property is set to True by default which makes the button enabled and setting it’s  property to  False makes the button Disabled. With the Visible property we can make the Button Visible or Invisible. The default value is set to True and to make the button Invisible set it’s property to  False. Layout With the  Location  property you can change the location of the button. With the Size property you can set the size of the button. 2- CheckBox The CheckBox control is a Boolean control that can be set to true or false. When the control’s value is true, the check box will be filled with a small x. Notable Properties Important properties of the  CheckBox  in the  Appearance  section of the properties  window  are: Appearance: Default value is Normal. Set the value to Button if you want the  CheckBox  to be  displayed  as a Button. BackgroundImage: Used to set a  background image  for the  checkbox. CheckAlign: Used to set the  alignment  for the  CheckBox  from a predefined list. Checked: Default value is False, set it to True if you want the  CheckBox  to be  displayed  as checked. CheckState: Default value is Unchecked. Set it to True if you want a check to appear. When set to Indeterminate it displays a check in gray background. FlatStyle: Default value is  Standard. Select the value from a predefined list to set the style of the  checkbox. 3- Label The Label control is used to display static labels on a form that generally don’t change while a program is running. The labels are commonly used alongside TextBox controls to describe the information sto red in the TextBox 4- LinkLabel The LinkLabel control is a specialized version of the Label control, which includes an Internet hyperlink so that when you click the label, the link is opened in the default Web browser (or e-mail program). – RadioButton The RadioButton control is useless by itself because a mouse click can only set the value to true, not false (as is the case with CheckBox). RadioButton controls are only useful if two or more are placed together on a form or other container (such as a GroupBox), because they reflect a multiple-choice value as indicated by the sele cted control, not an individual true/false value. Notable Properties Important properties of the RadioButton in the  Appearance  section of the properties  window  are: Appearance: Default value is Normal. Set the value to Button if you want the RadioButton to be  displayed  as a Button. BackgroundImage: Used to set a  background image  for the RadioButton. CheckAlign: Used to set the  alignment  for the RadioButton from a predefined list. Checked: Default value is False, set it to True if you want the RadioButton to be  displayed  as checked. FlatStyle: Default value is  Standard. Select the value from a predefined list to set the style of the RadioButton. TextBox The TextBox control is a multi-purpose keyboard input and text output control capable of displaying multiple lines of text with automatic word wrapping. Some Notable Properties: Some important properties in the Behavior section of  the Properties  Window  for  TextBoxes. Enabled: Default value is True. To disable,  set the  property to  False. Multiline: Setting this  property to  True makes the TextBox multiline which allows to accept multiple lines of text. Default value is False. PasswordChar: Used to set the password character. The text displayed in the TextBox will be the character set by the user. Say, if you enter *,   the text that is entered in the TextBox is displayed as *. ReadOnly: Makes this TextBox readonly. It doesn’t allow to enter any text. Visible: Default value is True. To hide it set the  property to  False. Important properties in the  Appearance  section TextAlign: Allows to align the text from three possible  options. The default value is left and you can set the  alignment  of text to right or center. Scrollbars: Allows to add a  scrollbar  to a Textbox. Very useful when the TextBox is multiline. You have four  options  with  this property. Options  are are None, Horizontal, Vertical and Both. Depending on the size of the TextBox anyone of those can be used How to cite Visual Basic Toolbox Controls, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Accounting and Finance Research Question

Questions: 1. What is the research question of interest to the authors of the paper? 2. Is this an interesting question? Why? 3. Why is this question related to or of interest to Accounting? 4. What is the source of tension in the paper that requires research? 5. In what setting is this question examined? 6. What does the paper find? 7. What does the paper conclude based on its findings? 8. How convincing is the evidence presented in the paper? How valid are the results? 9. How does this paper contribute to the literature, and to our knowledge? 10. What are the implications of this paper? Answers: 1. The research question of the paper is as follows: Is value stock can give higher return rather than growth stock and how risk can create impact on the return in case of value stock and growth stock 2. The research question is interesting because the area of research is different and no other research was done deeply on this aspect. In present scenario, the investment does not on the basis of financial statement analysis. There are also different factors and aspects that are associated with the return of an investment (Van Rooij, Lusardi and Alessie 2011). According to the various research studies, it has found that value stock can provide higher return rather than growth stock on average (Wachter 2013). But the return is not free from risk. So, understanding of risk in case of buying value versus growth versus growth is essential to recover from the value trap. Identifying the research question can help to find out the ways that can help to investors to avoid from falling in trap (large amount of risk). 3. The main focus of the task is to identify how vale-growth return is reflected by common factor risk. For the investing this, there are certain accounting techniques and tools are required to consider. In this research, several accounting terms such earnings-to-price and book-to-price has been considered for the analysis. These terms are under of accounting phenomena. These two term are called price multiples and these also indicate risk. So, it can be said that it this research is focused on how accounting measure of earnings and accounting book value. 4. According to different studies, it has found that value outperforms growth on average but considering certain amount of risk (Barinov 2011). But it has identified that value position against the investors. So, in this situation, it is not clear that what as investor is buying when investor buys value versus growth. On the other side, the labels are not particularly illuminating. If an investor does not concentrate on value and growth and also associated risk, they may face difficult situation. So, proper understanding should require about risk associated with higher return to value. 5.Researcher has conducted fundamental analysis for identifying the answer of research question. The analysis is entirely focused certain basis. Earnings to price and book to price multiples are employed together for identifying the results. These two multiples are employed to understand the risk exposure and also pay-offs to that risk associated with investment. At first, returns to value versus growth are investigated on the basis of earnings to price and book to price multiples over the period of time. Then, these two multiples are connected to risk and growth. After that, then analysis has done to find out the connection between accounting principle and growth to risk. Next, the focus has been given to identify the risky growth considering the book to price ratio. Then, the effect of B/P on stock return has been examined. Lastly, analysis of both value and growth are done together to identify the answer of research questions. 6.According to analysis, it has found that the average return spread between 2.2% return in case of low E/P and low B/P portfolio. On the other side, the average return is 28.8% in case of high E/P and high B/P. It indicates that the results are impressive. The second analysis show that if growth varies inversely with return of earnings (considering r g constant), then increasing book to price can increase the risk in case of growth. In case of low E/P, growth investor could be loading up risk if high B/P stock is purchased by an investor (Penman and Reggiani 2014). On the other side, avoiding these types stock and buying of low B/P yields can provide lower return. It has also determined that low B/P portfolios having lower beta can also have lower upside beta. At last, it has identified that growth with risk can produce higher B/P and growth can provide indentify higher returns rather than lower return. 7. According to the analysis, it has concluded that high E/P which is denoted as value stock and the growth is risky. In case of combination of E/P and B/P, the risk is greater than only high E/P stock (Penman 2014). It can provide higher return. But expecting of higher return can increase the risk and expected earnings growth cannot be realized. 8. The analysis has not done only on the basis of financial statements. But several aspects are considered such as firm performance and market performance to identify the better result and determine the risk (Gulen, Xing and Zhang 2011). It is not only based of unsystematic risk but also systematic risk is considered for better findings. 9. The analysis done in this paper is different from previous studies. Advance techniques and methods are used and dept analysis has done to identify to draw the conclusion. 10. This paper is helpful to both financial analyst and investor to get better idea about the stock investment. Reference List Barinov, A., 2011. Idiosyncratic volatility, growth options, and the cross-section of returns.Growth Options, and the Cross-Section of Returns (August 19, 201 Gulen, H., Xing, Y. and Zhang, L., 2011. Value versus Growth: Timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Varying Expected Stock Returns.Financial management,40(2), pp.381-407. Penman, S.H. and Reggiani, F., 2014. The Value Trap: Value Buys Risky Growth.Available at SSRN 2494412. Penman, S.H., 2013.Accounting for value. Columbia University Press. Van Rooij, M., Lusardi, A. and Alessie, R., 2011. Financial literacy and stock market participation.Journal of Financial Economics,101(2), pp.449-472. Wachter, J.A., 2013. Can Timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Varying Risk of Rare Disasters Explain Aggregate Stock Market Volatility?.The Journal of Finance,68(3), pp.987-1035.